小說《山瘟》是一個關於二次世界大戰結束之後當時的馬來亞英軍試圖剿滅共產黨時期的故事,以一種倒敘的方式述說曾經參與其中的祖父和傳說中隊長溫義的種種事跡。如果說這個「演出」有遊戲規則的話,那小說《山瘟》、「現場電影」(Live Cinema)以及(空間)齊東詩舍三者便是。小說《山瘟》,無論是以其為本,還是拆解重構,或呼應或反思提問。我們對於冷戰時期馬來亞共產黨的認知,很容易落入一種浪漫的革命情懷的嚮往。歷史書寫中的空缺被某種「浪漫」塞滿,仿佛那支被遺落的部隊,被中國共產黨不聞不問,被英軍追殺,多重的遺落剩下的是最後留在泰國邊境的落寞身影。我們對於馬來亞共產黨作為一種「失敗者」的想像,被予以了某種叢林中悲劇英雄的形象。然而,對於「失敗者」的提問,在這個演出裡頭尤為重要。小說《山瘟》的敘事在爆裂消解的過程中,歷史的幽魂重新從裂隙中竄逃。班雅明的新天使和歷史的風暴仿佛成了一種在場,歷史的多重對話在一個和殖民歷史攸關的空間重新被啓動。也像古巴導演埃斯賓諾沙(Juan García Espinosa)提出的「不完美電影」(Imperfect Cinema),「既是答案,也是問題,一個透過詢問進而體現自身答案的過程」。
窮劇場approaching theatre
入圍理由 Reason for Nomination
AU Sow-Yee’s live cinema, The Mountain Epidemic, was an adaptation of a novella of the same title by LI Zi-Shu, making the shifting between moving images and text a core issue. How to represent the taboo and violent history of the Malayan Communist Party (MCP) became the key to initiate a dialogue between the two media. The novella recounted the legendary story of the guerilla leader, WEN Yi, who was deemed as a guardian of the mountains. Interwoven with an unofficial and oral history, it had a great sense of cinema. On the other hand, the live cinema was conducted with several projectors and films, combined with the projection of archive images and sound effect design that resembled shadow play, the moving images projected on the wall were blurry and out of focus the entire time. The creative intention was more than obvious: the Malayan Communist Party was like a ghost, possessing an absent presence, always looking at their adherents on the peninsula. While they gazed into each other, its existence was still excluded from history. (Commentator: SING Song-Yong)