2004-2013 十年間,「音腸」在世界各地,與各種不同階層,不同性質的團體,合作了五十餘場演出。此間除了在純藝術空間的發表,音腸也參與各種音樂節,行為藝術節,並在酒吧,Live House,小劇場演出,更不乏直接走入社區,與各類地方團體進行合作。在與非藝術團體的合作中,音腸另外發展出了「聲音的社會測量」系列,也就是音腸的錄影裝置版。
「音腸混音機 2004-2013」,是為磁帶音樂計劃十年的一次大匯整。從有錄影紀錄的五十餘場演出中,擇取相同攝影角度的三十二場,以三十二台數位相框同時播放,一次盡觀各個團體殊異的音腸演繹,觀眾還可以混音機操控聲軌。本展除了前述二裝置,還一併展出創作筆計,繪圖手稿,演出照片,以及音腸母帶,相關創作等。
林其蔚 LIN Chi-Wei
林其蔚 1971 出生於台灣,1992加入「零與聲音解放組織」(1992-2000)。曾就讀於輔仁大學法國語文學系、國立藝術學院傳統藝術研究所、及法國當代藝術工作室 (le Fresony)。參與 1995年台北縣後工業藝術祭。
LIN Chi-wei was born in Taiwan in 1971. He joined Zero and Sound Liberation Organization (1992-2000) in 1992. He received a degree in French from Catholic Fu Jen University, and once studied in the graduate program of Traditional Arts in Taipei National University of the Arts (formerly known as National Institute of the Arts), and Studio National des Arts Contemporains (le Fresnoy), and had participated in Taipei Post-Industrial Arts Festival in 1995.
入圍理由 Reason for Nomination
林其蔚的《磁帶音樂》系列歷經九年的實行,在世界各地演出,僅是透過單音節或相近的語音,在眾人的依序念誦之下形成語聲的合聲,召喚著一種屬於人身在世的共同體,在數位媒體化的科技世界裏尤顯別具意涵。在伊通公園的個展,林其蔚以文件、道具、草圖與錄像裝置等元素,清楚地表述這個長期計畫的美學內涵;一方面,背反了台灣自90年代以來聲音創作的科技媒體化,另一方面,身體被視為聲響的必然載具,其聲音儀式之質樸,像是能匯通人與自然,並尋回人際的始初連結,指向一個沒有被科技符號異化的國度。 提名觀察人 ─ 陳泰松
LIN Chi-Wei’s Tape Music 2004-2013 was a project that lasted nine years, performed at different venues around the world. Through monotones or similar tones, it formed a phonetic chorus with people’s chanting in an orderly fashion, invoking a sense of collective existence, which seemed specifically meaningful in this technological world of digital media. In the solo exhibition at IT Park, Lin clearly stated the aesthetic meaning of this long-term project with elements such as documents, props, sketches and video installations. On the one hand, it contradicted the massive use of technological media in sound creation in Taiwan since the 90s; on the other hand, as physical bodies were deemed as a prerequisite for making sounds, the simple and unadorned quality of Lin’s sound rituals seemed to have merged human beings and nature, re-establishing the primitive connection individuals and pointing to a realm un-alienated by technological symbols. Nominator: CHEN Tai-Song