New Work Project 新作輯

從接收刺激,衝撞、拆解與重組,這連鎖效應是創作過程的必經之路。這使得我們更容易想像兩位藝術家在此創作計畫的交會點,自展覽名稱所開展詮釋權的混亂場景,並試圖藉其展示此計劃實驗的意圖: 「靈感存在嗎?」、「藝術家如何工作的?」、「藝術家自我的風格化過程重要嗎?其有無限制?」和「在藝術之外,各自關心的是什麼?」

在「 New Work Project | 新作輯」裡面,兩位藝術家各自挑選了對方三件品舊作,經過歷超過一年的討論與溝通,重新進入對方的創作核心,以自己的方式創作三件「全新舊作」,經過歷超過一年的討論與溝通,重新進入對方的創作核心,以自己的方式創作三件「全新舊作」。在一個「計劃」的絕對前提之下,展覽被賦予了穿透作品的指令,散射出創作本身的光譜。當觀者走進展覽時,看見12件作品,共享6個標題。這些重新閱讀並再製的作品,產生的「新」作,是否只是轉換了材料和手法?或其中有更深層的訊息藉由另一位創作者挖掘並展現在觀眾面前?或者,在創作概念與內容的一致前提下,這兩件作品,是否真可能為「同一件」作品?


牛俊強 NIU Chun-Chiang



曾參與鹿特丹國際影展短片競賽、美國Pixilerations新媒體藝術展、紐約 cutlog NY Art Fair-Urban Illusions 、西班牙Aguilar影展、法國Tours亞洲電影節、法國ARTchSO錄像藝術節、北京夏日數位娛樂節、澳門VAFA藝術節、兩岸四地藝術交流計劃、台北金馬影展、台北美術獎、台灣國際錄像藝術展、台北電影節等國內外展覽。作品「即使她們從未相見」獲頒第35屆金穗獎最佳實驗片。

NIU, CHUN-CHIANG was born in 1983 in Pingtung, graduated with MFA in New Media Art from Taipei National University of the Arts. Mainly focus on video, experimental film, photography and mixed media installations.

Most of Niu Chun-chiang’s recent artworks are spring from life experiences. He worked with many participants to narrate their stories in the past for creating a distinct one. During the creative process, he probed into the incredible relations between humans, confidential meetings and the life consciousness from individual to group. He resisted the dispeller of materiality and also avoided the visual style in the same time.


羅智信 LUO Jr-Shin



其最近個展與聯展包括:from one to all,科元藝術中心,台中,2012;時代破褲、口袋炸彈,南海藝廊,台北,2009;台北美術獎,台北市立美術館,2012;紐約遊歷計劃,關渡美術館,台北,2012;新作集,鳳甲美術館,台北,2013;與2013 Queens international,皇后美術館,紐約,2013。羅智信於2013年出訪至東京Tokyo Wonder Site與紐約ISCP進行了各為期三個月的駐村計劃。其作品曾於台灣、日本、巴西與美國等地展出。

LUO, JR-SHIN was born in 1984 in Miaoli. He graduated with MFA in Fine Arts from Taipei National University of the Arts. He is a visual artist whose works including sculpture, video, photography and other mixed media.

Luo Jr-shin’s materials are mostly extract from daily articles, and intend to append with humorous tone in order to convert the original pieces. Additionally, the unconscious creation and the hidden trace are able to discovered from life among those objects. Recently, he has been enthusing about exploring unstable and flimsy substances for his work pieces. Such vulnerable features actually provide some present energy or motion into the artworks.



  • 策展
  • 裝置
  • 錄像
  • 攝影






入圍理由 Reason for Nomination


年輕的藝術家們看穿了生態中策展主流權力的怠惰、僵化、貧弱、與裝腔作勢的虛矯,但他們卻又精明慧黠地完全無意迎上去攖其鋒,而是以充滿才情與技術含量的身段,看似謙遜,其實自尊而高明地展現自己──《新作輯》的兩位藝術家有意識地化被動為主動,將「個展」巧妙地升級為「策展」版,對於主題更為入肉深化。這種趨向也使得藝術家重新拿回了本該所屬的獨立發言權。提名觀察人 ─ 主筆:胡永芬

“New Work Project” is a joint creative project by NIU Chun-Chiang and LUO Jr-Shin. The two each chooses a work by the other, and makes a new work to converse with it. It is the battle between two gifted and determined artists. Exciting, serious, and surprising sparks are all over the place. They have presented something more interesting than just a curatorial work.

Young artists see the laziness, stubbornness, emptiness, and pretentiousness of mainstream curative authority in the ecosystem, yet they brightly and cleverly avoid going head-to-head with it; through talented and technical expressions, they solemnly and masterfully showcase themselves in a seemingly humble way—the two artists of “New Work Project” consciously turn passiveness into aggressiveness, and cleverly upgrade “solo exhibition” into a “curatorial” version, further internalizing and enhancing the theme. This trend has enabled the artists to regain the independent right of speech originally belonged to them. Nominators: HU Yung-Fen