挪用網路世界中的思維邏輯,經由建立標籤(tag)與自設關鍵字(Keyword)來產生交叉網絡、自由聯結與開放性的搜尋體系。因此,我們廣邀藝術家、創作團隊、歷屆台新獎的提名、觀察委員、藝術學者、藝評人,以及基金會的全體工作夥伴,為第一個十年(2002/ 2012)的台新獎所累積的154件作品,羅織龐大關鍵字群。透過對設定關鍵字範疇的擴大,讓作品不再侷限於傳統菁英趨向的分類框架,而能開始擴散到庶民的、生活性的語言,也藉此探問重建當代藝術創作與社會文本關係的可能性。
2002年「台新藝術獎」首創同時觀照表演、視覺藝術的獎勵模式,十年走來,「台新藝術獎」是否可能開始形塑台灣當代藝術史的一種觀點、凝聚不同主流藝術脈絡的可能?「台新藝術獎數位檔案」是這個探問的起點,不是自我論述的完成。儘管「台新藝術獎數位檔案」作為資料庫,仍保留了編年別、作者別、作品媒材或創作形式別等傳統藝術檢索的功能,但它同時也是個開放型的、主動搜尋的、知識建構的、思考式而且具有遊戲感的數位互動檔案。它是在藝術概念引導下發展出來的創作型檔案,而非存放積累過往的靜態資料庫。使用者每一次的主動點選關鍵字,將會啟動對台新藝術獎入圍作品脈絡的重組;不僅是跨越視覺與表演藝術兩大疆域,更可能發展出在現有的藝術修辭下不可能發生的脈絡關係。我們對「台新藝術獎數位檔案」的期待是一個動態的發現、詮釋、與再定義的過程。在思考由不同關鍵字所形成的新文脈意義的同時,同時我們也開始鬆動每一件作品原本既定的藝術脈絡與文化意義。「台新藝術獎數位檔案」提供一個新視界(new vision),或者說是做為一個新事件,一方面回顧台新獎的十年歷史,同時也讓繼續進行中的台新藝術獎項,持續與每一屆的藝術獎入圍或得獎作品進行對話、產生串聯。透過指令自選的觀看歷史物件的方式,我也期望能進一步開啟藝術與社會溝通的無限想像。
The Taishin Arts Award Archive sprang from the imagination of a new form of exhibitions.
When the Taishin Arts Award approached its 10th anniversary in 2011, we started to reflect upon the implications of the decade-long practices of the Award. In the face of hundreds of documents and audiovisual samples by the nominated performing arts groups and visual artists in our collection, we pondered how we should sort out the large data to make them reconnect with the contemporary art environment , to generate new meanings out of new threads of contexts, and to further establish new systems of knowledge. Through numerous brainstorming sessions and discussions with the Taishin Arts Award 10th Anniversary Committee, we finally gave birth to the 2002-2012 Taishin Arts Award Archive.
In the world of the Internet, tags and keywords are created to generate cross networks, free coupling and open search. Based on this logic, we invited artists, creative teams, nominators and observers of the Taishin Arts Award, art scholars, critics and the colleagues of the Foundation to establish a large set of keywords from the 154 works of the past decade (2002-2012). By establishing a broader context of keywords, the works are no longer limited to traditional classifications of the elite. Everyday language of ordinary people is also included to help explore the possibility of reconnecting contemporary art works with social texts.
In 2002, the Taishin Arts Award was launched as a unique model which recognized both performing arts and visual arts. With the passing of the ten years, has the Award started to form a perspective which links different art disciplines in the contemporary art history of Taiwan? The Taishin Arts Award Archive is the beginning of this quest, not a self-defined completion. Although the Archive, as a database, still keeps the search functions of a traditional database, such as, by year, author, material or creative form, it is also an open, digital, interactive archive which facilitates active search, knowledge building and thinking, and enables a gaming experience. It is a dynamic archive creation developed by art concepts rather than a static storage which accumulates past data. The user chooses a keyword and initiates a contextual restructure among the Award’s nominations. This not only crosses over the two spheres of visual and performing arts but forms a brand new connection which is otherwise impossible to achieve through the use of current art vocabulary. We expect that the Taishin Arts Award Archive will provide a dynamic process of finding, defining and re-defining. We attempt to help the works escape from their existing cultural contexts and meanings through a new network composed of brand new keywords. The Archive aims to provide a new vision or a new event to reflect upon the decade-long history of the Award as well as to create a new platform for engaging discourses between the past and current winners/finalists. It is hoped that through the viewing of self-selected “history,” future arts and social communication can be created for unlimited imagination.
I would like to thank the members of the Taishin Arts Award 10th Anniversary Committee, CHEN Tai-Song, HUANG Chien-Hung, HUNG Hung, LI Huan-Hsiun, LIN Ping and WANG Jun-Jieh and the board members of the Foundation, LIN Mun-lee, SHIH J.J. and WU Jing-Jyi for participating in the Award’s exhibition review discussions and contributing their ideas. In addition, I’d like to express my gratitude to the scholars, experts, art leaders and foundation colleagues as well as the project manager CHANG Mei-Lin and the website designer Marc Lin who proposed many ideas for execution, and for establishing the archive database.
Artistic Director
LEE Yulin